As part of our work to improve the SEND service offering in Birmingham, we are asking children and young people with additional needs about their experiences of SEND services.
We appreciate that it is a very busy time of year, but would be very grateful if you would you share this survey link with parents and carers of young people and young people themselves aged 12-29 who access additional/SEND services? We would be very grateful if parents and carers could help children and young people to fill in the survey where needed. There are shopping voucher prizes on offer.
No personal data for under 18s will be sought, although Parents and carers may share their details for the purpose of entering the prize draw or for more information.
Tell us what you think about SEND services in Birmingham to be in with a chance of winning one of 4 £20 shopping vouchers
Have your say on improving SEND services and support
Are you aged 12 to 29?
• Do you have any type of Additional Need or Disability?
• What are your experiences of support for this in Birmingham?
• What support has worked well for you?
• What support hasn’t worked well for you?
• What else could have helped?
If interested, please fill in the 5 minute survey!
This is for Young People with Additional Needs aged 12 to 29 in Birmingham. Parents and Carers are welcome to help the young person complete it.
If you need help, please contact Rowan and [email protected].
The survey will close on Friday 9 September. The links are (Ages 12-18) (Ages 18+)