SEND Art Competition – What are you like?
We are running an art competition over the summer holiday to get children and young people with additional needs in the creative mood and showcasing their lives.
We are looking for images created by children and young people of themselves, their families, their friends and their interests.
We want to include a selection on the SEND Local Offer over the next year, so that the website shows the creative talents of our children and young people in Birmingham, and also a reflection of what they get up to.
The competition will run from now until 16th September and will be organised in the following age categories:
Age 0-7, Age 8-13, Age 14+
We are looking for images (drawings, paintings, collage, computer generated etc. however they wish to create) on the following subjects:
- Me and my favourite games
- Me and my schoolwork
- Me and my family
- Me and my friends
- My journey to school
- Me and my additional need
- Me living my best life
There will be voucher prizes in each category. A child or young person may enter as many categories as they wish.
Please email entries to: [email protected], or post to PO Box 16289, Birmingham, B2 2XN – please mark the envelope SEND Art Competition
Please label each drawing with the child or young person’s name and age and please include contact details if you wish the artwork to be entered into the competition. We will not be able to return artwork and will label any submissions we use on the website and social media using only the child or young person’s first name and age.