To all our parents and carers of children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
Some of you have expressed concern about recent press coverage related to Birmingham SENDIASS. We know how much families value the work our SENDIASS colleagues deliver.
We want to assure you that there are no plans to stop the family support work that is so much valued. There is also no plan to reduce the funding for SENDIASS
SENDIASS is a statutory service which means the council must provide this service to give information, advice and support to children and to young people up to the age of 25 who have, or may have, SEND and their parents and carers.
An independent review earlier this year found a number of issues within SENDIASS which need to be addressed. The council is committed to working to improve the SENDIASS service. However the management arrangements may evolve in the future, there will not be any difference to the service levels provided to our families.
SENDIASS is, and will remain, an important part of the SEND system in Birmingham.