Service Information: Core Package 

Pupil and School Support (PSS) work with settings to help their pupils with cognition, learning and language difficulties make progress and achieve to the best of their abilities. 

Experienced PSS teachers help to develop the knowledge of SENCOs in schools, ensuring they are able to lead whole school improvement; help school staff to support pupils with SEN, promote inclusive practice, set aspirational targets, raise attainment, and support early identification of need and evidence-informed interventions. 

How we Support Schools

Choose from the following options to find out more about each of the processes we us to support schools.

Case Work

A case work report will provide a setting with:
  • A profile of an individual pupil’ s strengths and areas for development
  • Clear information which can be shared with parents
  • Accurate baseline assessment information to inform target setting
  • Information required to implement appropriate provision to support accelerated progress
Casework could include:
  • Detailed 1:1 assessments of the strengths and difficulties of learners followed by a summary report with recommendations to support planning. This could include exploring skills in Literacy, Maths, Speech, Language and Communication, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia and English as an Additional Language
  • Advice to SENCOs and teachers following assessments and observations
  • Advice for parents
  • Identification of suitable interventions to implement within the school
  • Follow-up support for monitoring interventions and evaluating pupil progress 

Strategic Work 

Could include:
  • Developing SENCo skills in order to design a system which enables effective monitoring, evaluation and sharing of information with all relevant stakeholders
  • Review of SEN across the setting, including support in auditing and evaluating the effectiveness of current SEN provision
  • Consideration of the appropriate methods of recording provision suitable to the setting
  • Support in developing provision
  • Pre and post Ofsted planning
  • Provision is directed by identified pupil need
  • The impact of provision is monitored and evaluated
  • Analysis of school data informs provision
  • Pupil achievement analysed with reference to Ofsted criteria
  • Provision is monitored in terms of value for money

Here you will find a collection of resources and documents which support SENCOs in their roles as leaders of whole school improvement and development of strategic practice.

These resources can be used to support SENCOs in creating a robust plan for the strategic development of SEN in their schools.


  • SEND Year Planner – This is designed to help you to plan by giving you information about the types of tasks that occur each term.
  • Strategic SEND audit tool – The Audit Tool supports you to evaluate and plan strategically within school.
  • Data Dashboard Pack – When populated, this provides an overview of your school’s SEN cohort.

The SENCo Data Dashboard has been developed to provide a system for presenting information relating to your SEND cohort. It is designed as an alternative to the traditional ‘SEND Register’, giving a comprehensive overview and analysis of SEND in your setting.

There are currently three versions of the dashboard; for Primary, Secondary and All-Through Provision. All are designed to work with data from CMIS, SIMS or Progresso but can also be populated by pasting in from your current SEN register or manually entering data yourself.

Data Analysis

Supporting you to:
  • Interpret and analyse data
  • Identify vulnerable groups
  • Monitor effectiveness of interventions
  • Provision matches identified needs
  • Action planning linked to data analysis
  • Selection of effective evidence based intervention
  • Systems and frameworks for monitoring

SEN Policies and Procedures

Supporting schools to: 
  • Review and update policies in line with current national legislation and local guidance
  • Reflect upon the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice
  • Respond to school and pupil need efficiently and effectively
  • Share information across the setting and broader community
  • School will have up-to-date policies reflecting individual ethos
  • Policies will meet legal requirements
  • Support in preparation of annual report to governing body
  • Clear information for parents

Support for New SENCo’s 

Supporting SENCOs to: 
  • Complete needs analysis and priority action planning
  • Turn theory into practice around SEN policy, systems and procedures
  • SENCO to have increased knowledge of SEN
  • Effective management of SEN
  • Effective and reflective practice developed
  • All statutory requirements are met

Speech, Language, and Communication 

Supporting schools to: 
  • Develop and implement strategies to support learning
  • Identify appropriate assessment and tracking materials

A Training Package is also available on raising awareness and practical strategies for children with Speech, Language and Communication Needs.

  • School is able to identify correctly and respond to pupils with Speech Language and Communication needs (SLCN)
  • Increased staff confidence in meeting the needs of SLCN
  • Creation of a communication-friendly environment.
  • Raise attainment across the curriculum as reflected in school tracking data and PSS assessment

Ofsted Support

Supporting schools to:
  • Review provision for SEND across the setting
  • Interpret and analyse Data
  • Develop Pre or post Ofsted action planning

Schools can also commission an SEN review to identify areas for development.

Outcomes for school/setting:
  • Increased staff confidence in preparation for Ofsted relating to SEN
  • Focused action planning
  • Meeting statutory requirements
  • Provision related to SEN data

Evidenced Based Intervention

Supporting schools to:
  • Enhance provision through the implementation of a range of interventions which could include: – Acceleread Accelewrite, Barrier Games, Cued Spelling, Direct Instruction, Direct Phonics, Hornet Literacy Primer,  Metra, Paired Writing, Paired Reading, Phonological Awareness Training (PAT), Precision Teaching, Reciprocal Reading, Toe by Toe, Words First and Word Wasp.
  • Staff confident to lead on interventions
  • Provision reflects pupil need
  • Effective monitoring and evaluation of intervention

High Quality Teaching

Supporting all staff to:
  • Use appropriate tools for differentiated planning and delivery
  • Reflect on current practice in relation to SEN and develop additional practical strategies, adaptations and resources
  • Evaluate medium and long term planning with reference to effective differentiation and adaptations
  • High Quality Teaching delivered with increased confidence
  • Increased knowledge of the Ofsted education inspection framework requirements with a focus on SEN pupils

A menu of services is available to support improvements in high quality teaching.

Case Work

A case work report will provide a setting with:
  • A profile of an individual pupil’ s strengths and areas for development
  • Clear information which can be shared with parents
  • Accurate baseline assessment information to inform target setting
  • Information required to implement appropriate provision to support accelerated progress
Casework could include:
  • Detailed 1:1 assessments of the strengths and difficulties of learners followed by a summary report with recommendations to support planning. This could include exploring skills in Literacy, Maths, Speech, Language and Communication, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia and English as an Additional Language
  • Advice to SENCOs and teachers following assessments and observations
  • Advice for parents
  • Identification of suitable interventions to implement within the school
  • Follow-up support for monitoring interventions and evaluating pupil progress 

Strategic Work 

Could include:
  • Developing SENCo skills in order to design a system which enables effective monitoring, evaluation and sharing of information with all relevant stakeholders
  • Review of SEN across the setting, including support in auditing and evaluating the effectiveness of current SEN provision
  • Consideration of the appropriate methods of recording provision suitable to the setting
  • Support in developing provision
  • Pre and post Ofsted planning
  • Provision is directed by identified pupil need
  • The impact of provision is monitored and evaluated
  • Analysis of how school data informs provision
  • Pupil achievement analysed with reference to Ofsted criteria
  • Provision is monitored in terms of value for money

Here you will find a collection of resources and documents which support SENCOs in their roles as leaders of whole school improvement and development of strategic practice.

These resources can be used to support SENCOs in creating a robust plan for the strategic development of SEN in their schools.


  • SEND Year Planner – This is designed to help you to plan by giving you information about the types of tasks that occur each term.
  • Strategic SEND audit tool – The Audit Tool supports you to evaluate and plan strategically within school.
  • Data Dashboard Pack – When populated, this provides an overview of your school’s SEN cohort.

The SENCo Data Dashboard has been developed to provide a system for presenting information relating to your SEND cohort. It is designed as an alternative to the traditional ‘SEND Register’, giving a comprehensive overview and analysis of SEND in your setting.

There are currently three versions of the dashboard; for Primary, Secondary and All-Through Provision. All are designed to work with data from CMIS, SIMS or Progresso but can also be populated by pasting in from your current SEN register or manually entering data yourself.

Data Analysis

Supporting you to:
  • Interpret and analyse data
  • Identify vulnerable groups
  • Monitor effectiveness of interventions
  • Provision matches identified needs
  • Action planning linked to data analysis
  • Selection of effective evidence based intervention
  • Systems and frameworks for monitoring

SEN Policies and Procedures

Supporting schools to: 
  • Review and update policies in line with current national legislation and local guidance
  • Reflect upon the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice
  • Respond to school and pupil need efficiently and effectively
  • Share information across the setting and broader community
  • School will have up-to-date policies reflecting individual ethos
  • Policies will meet legal requirements
  • Support in preparation of annual report to governing body
  • Clear information for parents

Support for New SENCo’s 

Supporting SENCOs to: 
  • Complete needs analysis and priority action planning
  • Turn theory into practice around SEN policy, systems and procedures
  • SENCO to have increased knowledge of SEN
  • Effective management of SEN
  • Effective and reflective practice developed
  • All statutory requirements are met

Speech, Language, and Communication 

Supporting schools to: 
  • Develop and implement strategies to support learning
  • Identify appropriate assessment and tracking materials

A Training Package is also available on raising awareness and practical strategies for children with Speech, Language and Communication Needs.

  • School is able to identify correctly and respond to pupils with Speech Language and Communication needs (SLCN)
  • Increased staff confidence in meeting the needs of SLCN
  • Creation of a communication-friendly environment.
  • Raise attainment across the curriculum as reflected in school tracking data and PSS assessment

Ofsted Support

Supporting schools to:
  • Review provision for SEND across the setting
  • Interpret and analyse Data
  • Develop Pre or post Ofsted action planning

Schools can also commission an SEN review to identify areas for development.

Outcomes for school/setting:
  • Increased staff confidence in preparation for Ofsted relating to SEN
  • Focused action planning
  • Meeting statutory requirements
  • Provision related to SEN data

Evidenced Based Intervention

Supporting schools to:
  • Enhance provision through the implementation of a range of interventions which could include: – Acceleread Accelewrite, Barrier Games, Cued Spelling, Direct Instruction, Direct Phonics, Hornet Literacy Primer,  Metra, Paired Writing, Paired Reading, Phonological Awareness Training (PAT), Precision Teaching, Reciprocal Reading, Toe by Toe, Words First and Word Wasp.
  • Staff confident to lead on interventions
  • Provision reflects pupil need
  • Effective monitoring and evaluation of intervention

High Quality Teaching

Supporting all staff to:
  • Use appropriate tools for differentiated planning and delivery
  • Reflect on current practice in relation to SEN and develop additional practical strategies, adaptations and resources
  • Evaluate medium and long term planning with reference to effective differentiation and adaptations
  • High Quality Teaching delivered with increased confidence
  • Increased knowledge of the Ofsted education inspection framework requirements with a focus on SEN pupils

A menu of services is available to support improvements in high quality teaching.

Strategic School Support

Pupil and School Support has considerable experience in working with a wide range of schools to support them to reflect on current practice around SEND provision and develop future action plans. We work within a strategic partnership model with individual schools, families of schools, multi-academy trusts, consortia and teaching alliances.

There are a number of ways in which Pupil and School Support can work with schools on the SEND School Improvement Agenda. We can be commissioned by schools to carry out full or light touch SEND Reviews; this might be for good or outstanding schools who wish to maintain continuous improvement for the SEND and vulnerable cohorts.  Additionally we can support schools where the data indicates that SEND and vulnerable pupils are not making required progress or attainment.

The Pupil and School Support Offer

The following are including in the Pupil and School Support offer:

  • Full SEND Reviews – 2 senior members of staff for a full day
  • Light touch SEND reviews – 1 senior member of staff for a half day
  • SEND Action Planning – more detailed planning resulting from the findings of a review/Ofsted

Following any of the above, bespoke packages can be designed in response to needs identified:

  • Generic outcomes
  • Recognition of strengths and identification of areas for development
  • Focused action planning
  • Increased staff confidence at removing barriers to learning
  • Shared vision of aspirational vision for SEND across the school
  • Impact measures in place to support monitoring of SEND pupil progress

Please contact your PSS teacher for more information or to discuss the specific needs of your setting.