Update for Parents and Carers – Changes to Birmingham City Council’s Travel Assistance Policy

Following a period of consultation with parents, carers and a wide variety of stakeholders about proposed changes to Birmingham City Council’s travel assistance policy for 0-25 year olds in education, the council’s Cabinet has, after careful consideration, decided to:

  • Adopt the proposed changes to the Travel Assistance Policy
  • Implement these changes from the start of the 2024/25 academic year (September 2024)

Who will be affected by these policy changes?

The children and young people who will be affected by these changes are:

Young people who will be of sixth form age (16-18 years old) in September 2024
  • Taxi or minibus travel assistance will no longer be provided to young people of sixth form age, unless there are exceptional circumstances
  • When travel assistance is awarded, the council’s policy will be to provide this in the form of a Personal Transport Budget or a Travel Pass
  • Parents’ and carers’ contributions to Personal Transport Budgets will increase from £780 to £1,028 per academic year. This amount will be taken from the Personal Transport Budget awarded
  • Personal Transport Budgets will not cover the first three miles of a young person’s journey, in accordance with eligibility requirements
  • Low-income families will continue to pay a reduced contribution of £390 per academic year towards any Personal Transport Budget award
Children who will be of pre-school age (0-4 years old) in September 2024
  • Taxi or minibus travel assistance will no longer be provided to pre-schoolers
  • When travel assistance is awarded, it will be in the form of a Personal Transport Budget
  • Parents’ and carers’ contributions to Personal Transport Budgets will increase from £780 to £1,028 per academic year. This amount will be taken from the Personal Transport Budget awarded
  • Personal Transport Budgets will not cover the first two miles of a child’s journey, in accordance with eligibility requirements
  • Low-income families will continue to pay a reduced contribution of £390 per academic year towards any Personal Transport Budget award

Please refer to Birmingham City Council’s 0-25 Travel Assistance Policy: 2024 to 2025 for more information.

Who will not be affected by these policy changes?

Children who will be of compulsory school age (Reception to Year 11) in September 2024, and adult learners, will not be affected by these policy changes.

Applications for travel assistance for these children and adults will continue to be assessed in the same way and travel assistance arrangements will be regularly reviewed, in line with the existing policy, which may lead to some changes in the support provided.

What happens next?

The Children and Young People’s Travel Service will be writing to the families of all children, young people and adults who are currently receiving travel assistance to inform them of the decision to adopt the new Travel Assistance Policy from the start of the 2024/25 academic year.

Parents and carers of children and young people currently receiving taxi or minibus travel assistance who are affected by these policy changes will need to reapply for travel assistance for the 2024/25 academic year.

The council’s travel assistance application forms can be found on the Birmingham City Council website.

The deadline for travel assistance applications that need to be in place for the start of the 2024/25 academic year (September 2024) is Friday 31 May 2024. This deadline applies to:

  • First time applicants
  • Children and young people currently receiving travel assistance who are reapplying due to a change in circumstances
  • Children and young people currently receiving travel assistance who are reapplying due to the policy changes

Applications received after 31 May 2024 might not be processed until after the start of the 2024/25 academic year.

We recognise that these changes may pose challenges for some families and we want to reassure people that we are here to assist everyone during this transition.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the new Travel Assistance Policy or its potential impact, please get in touch with the Children and Young People’s Travel Service.

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