As we go through the process of re-commissioning short breaks in Birmingham, there will be several opportunities for parents and carers to get involved in different ways and help us co-produce the new services. The following table outlines what those opportunities will be, and we will seek to engage with parents and carers via the Parent Carer Form (PCF) who are our co-production partner organisation.

Some of these dates are indicative and we will keep this page updated as and when relevant information about how to get involved is available.

Specification Development 1
Start: 15/07/2024 End: 15/07/2024
In person event, 10:30am-12:30pm

Venue: Brays School

Use feedback from the survey, alongside lived experience of participants, to develop a draft specification for the new short breaks local offer.

PLEASE NOTE: this event is now complete

Specification Development 2
Start: 16/07/2024 End: 16/07/2024
Online event, 18:00pm-20:00pm

Use feedback from the survey, alongside lived experience of participants, to develop a draft specification for the new short breaks local offer.

PLEASE NOTE: this event is now complete

Specification Development 3
Start: 17/07/2024 End: 17/07/2024
In person event, 10:30am-12:30pm

Venue: Brays School

Use feedback from the survey, alongside lived experience of participants, to develop a draft specification for the new short breaks local offer.

PLEASE NOTE: this event is now complete

Specification Development 4
Start: 18/07/2024 End: 18/07/2024
Online event, 18:00pm-20:00pm

Use feedback from the survey, alongside lived experience of participants, to develop a draft specification for the new short breaks local offer. Booking information to follow.

PLEASE NOTE: this event is now complete

Refine Specification
Start: 22/07/2024 End: 27/07/2024
Near-final development of specification by the partners including the Parent Carer Forum, based on previous engagement and feedback.
Lead Member Consultation
Start: 15/07/2024 End: 26/07/2024
Joint update to Lead Member to seek ratification of proposed procurement plan.
Draft Cabinet Paper
Start: 01/07/2024 End: 27/07/2024
Parent/Carer contribution to the Cabinet paper that will seek approval for the proposed tender.
PPAR CM Briefing Paper
Start: 02/09/2024 End: 02/09/2024
Finalise cabinet paper
Service Spec’ Sign-off
Start: 28/10/2024 End: 01/11/2024
Jointly finalise service specification for inclusion in tender pack.
Establish Evaluation Panel
Start: 12/11/2024 End: 15/11/2024
Agree tender evaluation panel members. Joint representation across the partnership.
Evaluation Briefing Session – Training
Start: 19/11/2024 End: 19/11/2024
Tender evaluation training for panel members.
Evaluation/Moderation of Responses
Start: 06/01/2025 End: 17/01/2025
Panel evaluation of tender responses.
Draft Award Report
Start: 20/01/2025 End: 22/01/2025
Jointly produced award report.
Provider Survey
Start: 04/11/2024 End: 20/12/2024
Agree and disseminate provider survey questions to identify comprehensive range of community short break opportunities.
Draft Statement
Start: 06/01/2024 End: 17/01/2025
Develop draft short breaks statement based on procurement exercise and provider survey.
Start: 20/01/2025 End: 07/02/2025
Short break statement consultation.
Statement Sign-off
Start: 31/03/2025 End: 31/03/2025
Jointly sign-off short breaks statement.
Short Breaks Monitoring
Start: 17/02/2025 End: 31/07/2025
Design monitoring methods and implementation plan for short breaks development post contract award.
Title Start End Description
Specification Development 1 15/07/2024 15/07/2024

In person event, 10:30am-12:30pm

Venue: Brays School

Use feedback from the survey, alongside lived experience of participants, to develop a draft specification for the new short breaks local offer.

PLEASE NOTE: this event is now complete

Specification Development 2 16/07/2024 16/07/2024 Online event, 18:00pm-20:00pm

Use feedback from the survey, alongside lived experience of participants, to develop a draft specification for the new short breaks local offer.

PLEASE NOTE: this event is now complete

Specification Development 3 17/07/2024 17/072024

In-person event, 10:30am-12:30pm

Venue: Wilson Stuart School

Use feedback from the survey, alongside lived experience of participants, to develop a draft specification for the new short breaks local offer.

PLEASE NOTE: this event is now complete

Specification Development 4 18/07/2024 18/07/2024 Online event, 18:00pm-20:00pm

Use feedback from the survey, alongside lived experience of participants, to develop a draft specification for the new short breaks local offer. Booking information to follow.

PLEASE NOTE: this event is now complete

Refine Specification 22/07/2024 26/07/2024 Near-final development of specification by the partners including the Parent Carer Forum, based on previous engagement and feedback.
Lead Member Consultation 15/07/2024 26/07/2024 Joint update to Lead Member to seek ratification of proposed procurement plan.
Draft Cabinet Paper 01/07/2024 26/07/2024 Parent and carer contribution to the cabinet paper that will seek approval for the proposed tender.
PPAR CM Briefing Paper 02/09/2024 02/09/2024 Finalise cabinet paper.
Service Spec’ Sign-off 28/10/2024 01/11/2024 Jointly finalise service specification for inclusion in tender pack.
Establish Evaluation Panel 12/11/2024 15/11/2024 Agree tender evaluation panel members. Joint representation across the partnership.
Evaluation Briefing Session – Training 19/11/2024 19/11/2024 Tender evaluation training for panel members.
Evaluation/Moderation of Responses 06/01/2025 17/01/2025 Panel evaluation of tender responses.
Draft Award Report 20/01/2025 22/01/2025 Jointly produced award report.
Provider Survey 04/11/2024 20/12/2024 Agree and disseminate provider survey questions to identify comprehensive range of community short break opportunities.
Draft Statement 06/01/2025 17/01/2025 Develop draft short breaks statement based on procurement exercise and provider survey.
Consultation 20/01/2025 07/02/2025 Short break statement consultation.
Statement Sign-off 31/03/2025 31/03/2025 Jointly sign-off short breaks statement.
Short Breaks Monitoring 17/02/2025 31/07/2025 Design monitoring methods and implementation plan for short breaks development post contract award.