Special Educational Needs (SEN) Support

If you feel that your child/young person has special educational needs and may need additional help, firstly please talk to your child/young person’s teacher or to the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) at their setting.

The Birmingham Special Educational Needs & Disability Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) offers impartial information, advice and support to children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities. Please contact them on sendiass@birmingham.gov.uk if you need help understanding the referral process.

Education, Health, and Care Plans (EHCPs)

If your child/young person attends a setting, you should speak to the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) or Inclusion Lead. If your child/young person does not attend a setting or you would like further information, please see our EHCP guidance.

Information on how to request an EHCP is available below:

How to Request an EHCP – Local Offer Birmingham

For further information and a breakdown of what happens at each stage of the process, please visit this link EHCP Guidance Booklet.

Further information about the review process and timescales you can expect are available below:

Annual EHCP Reviews – Local Offer Birmingham

Schools have 15 days to respond to a consultation. Please allow this time to pass before contacting your Case Officer to ask for the update.

If the letter states there are no changes, it means the current EHCP is deemed appropriate to meet your child/ young person’s needs based on the most recent assessments and reports. Minor amendments, that do not impact on the support the child will receive, may not be made this time round but will be implemented when the child/ young person transitions to the next key stage.

Changes to the draft EHCP are made based on evidence provided in reports. If the requested amendments are not reflected in these reports, they may not be included.

School Placements

No, children/young people with EHCPs are placed in schools through the SENAR team, not the general admissions team.

Your child/young person’s EHC Plan will be amended to reflect the new setting by the 15th February in the year of transfer.

Your child/young person’s EHC Plan will be amended to reflect the new setting by the 31st March in the year of transfer.

Additional Support

A personal budget is an allocation of funding to support a child/young person’s specific needs as outlined in their EHCP. Further details are available from the link below:

Personal Budgets and Direct Payments – Local Offer Birmingham

Safeguarding and Other Concerns

Safeguarding concerns should be reported directly to the school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL). If you are worried about a child, would like to report concerns about a child, or to make enquiries about specific children and families please contact the Children’s Advice and Support Service (CASS) – Contact us | Birmingham Children’s Trust

Every school has a complaints policy, which can typically be found on the school’s website or obtained by inquiring at the school reception. For more information on resolving concerns with a school, please see our guidance for resolving concerns.

SENAR panels consist of multi-agency professionals who meet weekly to review submitted evidence and consider recommendations. All decisions are informed by professional reports and made in accordance with statutory guidance.