The Co-production Champions Group

The purpose of the SEND Co-production Champions Group is to ensure children, young people and their families feel updated and informed, able to have their voices heard and listened to and able to influence change and service improvements, both generally and within individual services from any provider in Birmingham. It also oversees the development and monitoring of SEND co-production initiatives undertaken throughout Birmingham Children’s Partnership.

How the group supports co-production in Birmingham

The Birmingham SEND Co-production Champions Group exists to foster meaningful co-production across Birmingham, ensuring that children, young people, and parent carers:

  • Are well-informed and updated on developments impacting them.
  • Feel empowered to have their voices heard and acted upon.
  • Can influence and contribute to service improvements across all providers in the Birmingham area.

The Group will help guide the development, implementation, and monitoring of co-production initiatives to ensure collaborative practices remain impactful, inclusive, and sustainable.

Key Responsibilies

Communication and Engagement

  • Cultivate a culture of open and transparent communication to keep stakeholders, especially children, young people, and parent carers, informed.
  • Provide accessible, inclusive platforms for feedback, dialogue, and idea-sharing.

Representation and Advocacy

  • Promote engagement, participation, and co-production as integral to everyday practice.
  • Ensure diverse voices, including those of underrepresented groups, are included in decision-making and are part of the group.
  • Advocate for systemic changes driven by the lived experiences of the SEND community.

Monitoring and Accountability

  • Collect and monitor practical examples of co-production activity and their impact, reporting progress against the Accelerated Progress Plan (APP) areas to the Birmingham SEND & Alternative Provision Improvement Board.
  • Oversee the planning, delivery, and review of SEND co-production initiatives.
  • Track measurable improvements in services resulting from co-production efforts.

Collaboration and Partnership

  • Working together with children, young people, parent carers, and service providers across education, health, and care sectors.
  • Foster co-production within individual services, promoting collaboration to achieve shared goals.
  • Connect with broader co-production initiatives, such as the Public Participation Team, Family Hubs, and the NHS Mental Health Provider Collaborative.

Service Improvement and Innovation

  • Promote co-production training and developments within individual organisations.
  • Encourage organisations to adopt the Birmingham SEND Co-production Framework and Charter through the SEND Co-production Award Scheme.
  • Encourage organisations to champion co-production within their own settings and spheres of influence, providing support and challenge to embed these practices.
  • Actively contribute to initiatives such as offering a ‘support and challenge’ role’ for the SEND Co-production Award Scheme and the delivery of co-production training across the city.
  • Identify opportunities for service enhancements through co-production.
  • Share best practices, learning, and successful initiatives to inspire improvement.
  • Signpost and disseminate information on best practices in participation and co-production for children, young people, and families.

Champions Group Organisations 

The following organisations are part of the Co-production Champions Group. Click any of the links below to be directed to each organisation’s website and find out more about what they do.