History of Co-production in Birmingham
On this page:
Skill Sharing Seminars
During May and June 2023, we organised six Co-production Skill Sharing Seminars.
The sessions created a learning environment for practitioners to discuss:
- How to overcome barriers to co-production and share learning and good practice.
- Become better equipped to champion co-production in their settings.
- Discuss how to effectively co-produce with children and young people and parents and carers.
- Raise awareness of the Birmingham Local Area Partnership co-production framework, and discuss how its principles and pledges can be embedded within everyday practice.
Over 120 participants took part in these sessions with representatives across education, health and social care and the voluntary sector.
You can access the session presentation by clicking the link below
Co-production Skill Sharing Presentation
YES Group meet Birmingham’s Lord Mayor
The RISE (Respect, Inclusion, Support and Equity) Youth Forum and The YES (Youth Empowerment Squad) joined together to meet the then Lord Mayor of Birmingham Cllr Maureen Cornish JP.
The Young People said they felt privileged to meet the Lord Mayor and hear about her career to date. Members of the forum described this session as “incredible, memorable, informative, and perfect.”
YES Group Lord Mayor meeting Newsletter
If you are 11-18 years old and would like to join the RISE Forum, please contact [email protected]
If you are 18-30 years old and would like to join YES! please contact [email protected]
Children and Young People Survey 2022
Between July 15 and September 12, 2022, two online surveys were carried out of young people identifying with additional needs aged 12 to 29 in Birmingham. One survey was for young people aged 12 to 18 still at school or college, and the other was for young adults aged 19 to 29.
Children and Young People’s Survey Report (2022)
Parent Carer Survey 2022
A huge part of Co-production is making sure that parents, carers and young people have a say in the improvement of SEND services across Birmingham. To collect their thoughts and feedback, a Parent, Carer Survey is created yearly. See the final report and summary of the survey from 2022, published below.
The 2022 Parent Carer Survey Final Summary
Parent Carer Survey Report (2022)
There were also workshop engagement events held with parents and carers to hear even more about SEND services in the city. See the full report below.
Mapping Co-production in Birmingham
The first phase of this project (October–December 2021), mapped and analysed 48 current and recent co-production activities in Birmingham relevant to children and young people (0–25 years) with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their families. This report contributed to the development of the Birmingham SEND co-production framework and charter.
Building on the first report and the Birmingham SEND co-production framework and charter, between January and July 2022, Governance International was commissioned to map the options for embedding co-production in Birmingham SEND services and support systems. It also looked at widening and deepening it and making it more effective, working with children and young people with SEND, their parents, carers, children, young people, professionals and community members.
See the list of reports below:
Red Quadrant Case Study
Birmingham City Council commissioned Red Quadrant to deliver a co-produced review of day opportunities in the city. They wanted to engage a wide range of people involved in day services – the people who use them, families, carers, providers and other professionals. They wanted to understand the impact of the pandemic on people and services and wanted to hear what people valued about day opportunities and importantly how they can change for the future. Please view the full report providing the foundation for the next steps in planning for day opportunities in Birmingham.
Woodgate Valley Urban Farm
Woodgate Valley Urban Farm is a registered charity dedicated to offering a range of practical work and volunteering experiences for those within our local community. There is a special emphasis on supporting young people with additional needs and who struggle with social exclusion, educational exclusion, and poor mental health.
The farm holds and manages farmland, orchards, and woodland within Woodgate Valley Country Park under licence from Birmingham City Council. The farm’s survival relies entirely upon donations from the public, grant-giving organisations, benefactors, service-level agreements and partnerships.
On Monday, 30 October 2023, Lakhvir Sahota, Participation and Co-Production Officer for Birmingham City Council, visited the farm and met with Sue Hawkeswood, the farm’s Trustee and Project Manager.