Choosing an Early Years Setting

This section will help you make the very important decision about where your child will first attend an educational setting. You may want to seek information and advice available from professionals before deciding on the best setting for your child.

How do I choose a Setting?

When choosing an early years setting, it is important to get as much information as possible on a setting before making a decision. You could do this by: 

  • Looking at the setting/school’s website (especially their SEND information).
  • Checking the most recent Ofsted report
  • Contacting a setting directly and check if they have space available.
  • Requesting a guided tour. You will get a better feel for the setting if you do this whilst the children are there.

You can search the list of early years settings in Birmingham from the following childcare directory: Find childcare in Birmingham | Birmingham City Council

Before visiting the Setting

Once you have made a list of settings that you would like to consider and have booked appointments to visit, you may want to:

  • Take someone along with you such as a friend or relative – they can help in discussing your impressions afterwards
  • Think carefully about whether you want to take your child with you on the first visit (you could discuss this with the setting or another professional)
  • Take relevant reports/information about your baby or child’s additional needs with you
  • Request an opportunity to speak to the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) about what could be provided to meet your child’s needs

What might I ask during my visit?

Here are some questions you might want to ask. You will think of other things that are important to you and your family.

  • How many children will be in my child’s key group?
  • How will information about my child’s needs be shared with the staff?
  • How does the setting arrange extra support for children who need it?
  • How will I be involved in planning for my child’s needs and reviewing his or her progress?
  • How will my child be helped to settle in and to make friends?
  • How will the other children be helped to understand my child’s needs?
  • How will I be updated about what is happening?
  • How does the setting support the personal, social and emotional development of all children?
  • How will the setting include my child in all activities?  
  • How soon will a place be available?

What should I do after my visits?

  • Try to keep an open mind until you have looked at all the possibilities.
  • Once you have visited several settings you may have further questions which you want to contact the setting to ask.
  • You may want to share your thoughts with any professionals involved with your child and you may want to take your child on a visit if you haven’t already done so.
  • Once you have made a decision you will need to agree on a start date directly with the setting. You can then support your child to be ready for the transition from home into their first setting. Find more about transitions here: What is Transition Early Years – Local Offer Birmingham