Schools and Settings in Birmingham
Resource Bases
A resource base is a classroom based within a mainstream school providing education for pupils with additional needs. Resource bases have been set up to provide pupils with a broad and balanced curriculum that is highly differentiated in order to support them in achieving their full potential. They are attached to mainstream schools giving pupils the opportunity to be part of mainstream activities and lessons and to socialise with their peers whilst their individual needs are supported.
Allen’s Croft Nursery School | |
Phase | Nursery |
Need | Cognition and learning, moderate learning difficulties |
Allen’s Croft Primary School | |
Phase | Primary |
Need | Cognition and Learning |
Anglesey Primary School | |
Phase | Primary |
Need | Speech, language and communication |
Bartley Green School | |
Phase | Secondary |
Need | Cognition and learning |
Billesley Primary School | |
Phase | Primary |
Need | Autism spectrum disorder |
Blakesley Hall Primary School | |
Phase | Primary |
Need | Autism spectrum disorder |
Boldmere Infant School Nursery | |
Phase | Infants |
Need | Autism spectrum disorder |
Boldmere Junior School | |
Phase | Juniors |
Need | Autism spectrum disorder |
Bordesley Green Girls’ School and Sixth Form | |
Phase | Secondary |
Need | Hearing impairment |
Bournville School | |
Phase | All through |
Need | Hearing impairment |
Cherry Orchard Primary School | |
Phase | Primary |
Need | Autism spectrum disorder |
Garretts Green Nursery School | |
Phase | Nursery |
Need | Autism spectrum disorder |
Greenwood Academy | |
Phase | Secondary |
Need | Autism spectrum disorder |
Hampstead Hall Academy | |
Phase | Secondary |
Need | Cognition and learning |
Hawthorn Primary School | |
Phase | Primary |
Need | Hearing impairment |
Hollywood Primary School | |
Phase | Primary |
Need | Autism spectrum disorder |
Lyndon Green Infant School | |
Phase | Infants |
Need | Cognition and learning |
Lyndon Green Junior School | |
Phase | Juniors |
Need | Cognition and learning |
Ninestilles, an Academy | |
Phase | Secondary |
Need | Cognition and learning, moderate learning difficulties |
Paget Primary School | |
Phase | Primary |
Need | Autism spectrum disorder |
Percy Schurmer Academy | |
Phase | Primary |
Need | Hearing impairment |
Plantsbrooke School | |
Phase | Secondary |
Need | Visual impairment |
Prince Albert High School | |
Phase | Secondary |
Need | Autism spectrum disorder |
Rookery School | |
Phase | Primary |
Need | Autism spectrum disorder |
Saltley Academy | |
Phase | Secondary |
Need | Autism spectrum disorder |
Small Heath Leadership Academy | |
Phase | Secondary |
Need | Hearing impairment |
St Benedict’s | |
PHASE | Primary |
NEED | Cognition and Learning |
Stockland Green School | |
Phase | Secondary |
Need | Autism spectrum disorder |
Sutton Park Primary | |
Phase | Primary |
Need | Autism spectrum disorder |
The Meadows Primary School | |
Phase | Primary |
Need | Speech, language, and communication |
Topcliffe Primary School | |
Phase | Primary |
Need | Autism spectrum disorder; speech, language, and communication |
Ward End Primary School | |
Phase | Primary |
Need | Autism spectrum disorder |
Waverely School | |
Phase | All through |
Need | Cognition and learning, moderate learning difficulties |
Welsh House Farm Community School | |
Phase | Primary |
Need | Cognition and learning |
Woodhouse Primary School | |
Phase | Primary |
Need | Autism spectrum disorder |
World’s End Infant and Nursery School | |
Phase | Infants |
Need | Visual impairment |
World’s End Junior School | |
Phase | Juniors |
Need | Visual impairment |
Wyndcliffe Primary School | |
Phase | Primary |
Need | Autism spectrum disorder |
A downloadable version of the full Birmingham special school list is available below. Please be aware that the school information contained within is subject to change and any version saved for a period of time might be out of date. We would always recommend referring to the school list above.
Special Schools
A special school is a school which caters for children and young people with severe, profound and complex special educational needs. Different schools specialise in supporting different kinds of needs such as autism, severe learning difficulties, visual impairment, hearing impairment, speech, language and communication, and social, emotional and mental health needs. Special schools provide a broad and balanced curriculum which is appropriately modified to support the needs of any individual child. The whole spectrum of children’s needs is supported through the involvement of many education, health and care professionals.
Who can access a special school?
A special school is suitable for pupils with complex special educational needs. When considering whether a child or young person is suitable for a placement, professionals will consider a range of criteria. Part of the criteria will be the student’s cognitive ability and their scores on standardised testing, as well as individual pupil profiles of needs.
How to access a special school?
- The local authority is the admissions authority for all special schools.
- Admission criteria for special schools is set out in the admissions criteria booklet.
- A decision making group within the local authority will discuss each pupil being considered for admission and recommend the appropriateness of the placement.
- Usually, pupils will be admitted at the beginning of an academic year, but in exceptional circumstances, an extraordinary admissions panel will be convened to determine the appropriateness of the provision.
- The referrals process starts in the autumn term for the following September intake and places confirmed in March prior to entry.
Baskerville School | |
Phase | School |
Need | Autism |
Beaufort School | |
Phase | Primary |
Need | Severe learning difficulties, profound and multiple learning difficulties, autism |
Braidwood School | |
Phase | Secondary |
Need | Hearing impairment |
Brays School | |
Phase | Primary |
Need | Physical difficulties, severe learning difficulties, profound and multiple learning difficulties, visual impairment, hearing impairment |
The Bridge School | |
Phase | Primary |
Need | Autism, severe learning difficulties, profound and multiple learning difficulties |
Calthorpe Teaching Academy | |
Phase | All through |
Need | Severe learning difficulties |
Cherry Oak School | |
Phase | Primary |
Need | Autism; severe learning difficulties; speech, language, and communication needs |
Dame Ellen Pinsent School | |
Phase | Primary |
Need | Cognition and learning; speech, language, and communication needs |
Fox Hollies School | |
Phase | Secondary |
Need | Severe learning difficulties |
Hallmoor School | |
Phase | All through |
Need | Moderate learning difficulties |
Hamilton School | |
Phase |
Primary (up to year 8) Temporary age range (to take year 7 from Sept 23 and 8 Children from Sept 24) has been approved by the Governing Body, with consultation on a permanent age range change to take children 4-16 has commenced |
Need | Autism; speech, language, and communication needs |
James Brindley School – Dovedale | |
Phase | Primary and secondary (year 5 – year 11) |
Need | Autism |
Langley School | |
Phase | Primary |
Need | Moderate learning difficulties |
Lea Hall | |
Phase | Primary and secondary (up to year 9) |
Need | Social, emotional, and mental health difficulties |
Leycroft Academy | |
Phase | Primary |
Need | Autism |
Lindsworth School | |
Phase | Secondary (year 4 onwards) |
Need | Social, emotional, and mental health difficulties |
Longwill School | |
Phase | Primary |
Need | Hearing impairment |
Mayfield School | |
Phase | All through |
Need | Autism; moderate learning difficulties; profound and multiple learning difficulties; social, emotional, and mental health difficulties; severe learning difficulties |
Oscott Manor School | |
Phase | Secondary |
Need | Autism; speech, language, and communication needs |
The Pines School | |
Phase | All through |
Need | Autism; speech, language, and communication needs |
Priestly Smith School | |
Phase | All through |
Need | Visual impairment |
Queensbury School | |
Phase | Secondary |
Need | Moderate learning difficulties; autism spectrum conditions; social, emotional, and mental health difficulties; severe learning difficulties |
Selly Oak Trust School | |
Phase | Secondary |
Need | Moderate learning difficulties |
Springfield House School | |
Phase | Primary |
Need | Social, emotional, and mental health difficulties |
Uffculme School | |
Phase | All through |
Need | Autism |
Victoria School | |
Phase | All through |
Need | Physical difficulties |
Wilson Stuart School | |
Phase | All through |
Need | Physical difficulties, profound and multiple learning difficulties |
A downloadable version of the full Birmingham special school list is available below. Please be aware that the school information contained within is subject to change and any version saved for a period of time might be out of date. We would always recommend referring to the school list above.
Independent Schools and Colleges
Although the majority of children and young people with special educational needs will have their needs met in either their local mainstream school, college, resource base, or special school, a few may need something different. There are a range of independent schools and colleges for children with special educational needs or disabilities.