HST work city wide to support the needs of children with an identified hearing loss who have been referred to the service (see referral section for pupils visited by HST). The team work collaboratively with SENCo’s, teachers, parents, and carers to minimise the impact of a child’s hearing loss on their access to learning, social and emotional development whilst developing independence.
Additionally, HST supports all maintained schools, academies and free schools around phonics screening checks for pupils at KS1 who have a hearing loss.
There is also support for staff with access arrangements for pupils with a hearing loss, participating in the Key Stage 2 national curriculum tests. HST also support staff with access arrangements for students with a hearing loss, participating in Key Stage 4 examinations.
HST provides a range of specialist teaching and support services to primary and secondary aged pupils. These include:
- Provision of a Hearing Support Management Plan
- Peer Awareness Sessions
- Supporting Social and Emotional Needs
- INSET training
- Educational Audiology Support
- Supporting Communication Approaches
- HLTA/TA involvement