Please see below a selection of documents and guidance notes that relate to the statutory responsibilities of the Birmingham City Council Special Educational Needs Assessment & Review service – SENAR.

These documents and guidance notes have been designed to help support you but if you have any questions or cannot find something you are looking for, please contact your SENAR representative or email [email protected]. Details of all the officers within the SENAR service can be found here: SENAR | Local Offer Birmingham

We have also included documents for parents and young people so that you can access these should someone require assistance.


Education Health Care Needs Assessment (EHCNA)

SENAR have coproduced new documentation for the EHCNA process. We are excited to launch these as part of the Elevate Programme. Both old and new documents are valid and will be available until 11th April 2025. After this date, the old documents will be removed, and only the new Elevate documents will be accepted.

Stage 1: Elevate Documents

Following a request for an assessment, the local authority gathers information to decide whether to carry out the assessment.

Stage 1: Old Versions (Valid until 11th April 2025)

Stage 2: Elevate Documents

Professionals carry out an assessment of the child/young person’s needs. Following this, a decision is made as to whether a plan is needed to meet the required provision.

Stage 2: Old Versions (Valid until 11th April 2025)

Annual Reviews: Elevate Documents

SENAR have coproduced new documentation for the Review process. We are excited to launch these as part of the Elevate Programme. Both old and new documents are valid and will be available until 11th April 2025. After this date, the old documents will be removed, and only the new Elevate documents will be accepted.

Annual Reviews: old Documents (Valid until 11th April 2025)
Government Documents
Birmingham SEND Guidance Documents