Medical Needs

Our aim in Birmingham is to ensure that all children with physical health and medical conditions are properly supported in education so they can play as full of an active role in school life as possible. Some children may have mild health and medical needs which can be met in school by putting in place usual support, strategies and training that is readily available. Other children have more complex physical health needs which will require a higher level of support.

The Physical Difficulties Support Team is the specialist teaching team with the expertise to support children with physical difficulties and complex health and medical needs in local mainstream nurseries and schools.

Here are some of the physical, health and medical conditions that the team currently help support in local mainstream schools:

  • Long-term bowel and bladder conditions
  • Cancer
  • Epilepsy
  • Spinal injury
  • Hydrocephalus
  • Acquired brain injury
  • Tracheostomy

A child or young person may have a different condition that has not been listed above. The team will still be able to advise about the support available.

Schools have certain responsibilities to support children with health and medical needs;

  • Details of school responsibilities are spelled out in statutory guidance called ‘Supporting Pupils At School with Medical Conditions’
  • Schools are expected to follow this guidance
  • Make adjustments and offer additional educational support, such as making changes in the Physical Education (PE) lesson so your child can be safely included and providing rest breaks
  • Authorise absence when the cause is demonstrated to be through illness or a health appointment
  • Arrange for school staff to have training from school nurses and other appropriate health professionals
  • Involve the specialist teaching team – The Physical Difficulties Support Team
  • Involve other supporting health professionals

For children with a long-term bowel or bladder condition who require changing/and or toileting support, schools will support by:

  • Having an intimate care policy outlining how the intimate care support for your child will be carried out in school
  • Referring to an Individual Health Care Plan which will provide the details of this care
  • Ensuring the appropriate personal care support is available during the school day if needed

Find out more from the government guidance on supporting pupils at school with medical conditions.

  • Ask for a meeting with the member of staff responsible for medical needs
  • Share information about your child’s existing medical condition or as soon as your child is diagnosed with a new/changing medical condition
  • If your child is about to start or change a setting, work with the new school in advance so the right support can be put in place from the beginning
  • Look at the school’s website to view the medical needs policy- this might help you to ask the questions needed
  • Contribute to an Individual Health Care Plan for your child
  • Review this Individual Health Care Plan regularly with the school and the appropriate health professional
  • Share new information gained from medical appointments and update the school as needed
  • Notify the school of any absences/appointments/hospital stays linked to your child’s health condition
  • Speak to a specialist teacher in the Physical Difficulties Support Team if you need further information or support

Please contact the team on the email address below

If your child has social, emotional or mental health needs then please use the following link:

Medical Needs Policy

Schools should also have their own medical needs policy which will help guide the support your child will receive in school. The medical needs policy should be published on the school’s website where you can have a look at it.

A medical needs policy includes:

  • The name the member of education staff who has overall responsibility for children with health and medical needs in the school
  • A description of how health and education will work together to support your child in school
  • An outline of the responsibility for staff training around health and medical needs
  • A description of the procedures for giving medicines and providing health and medical care procedures in school
  • Information that for children with more complex health needs an Individual Health Care Plan needs to be in place for school

Health Professionals and Services

Within Birmingham there are a range of services and professionals who support the health and wellbeing of children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities. Some examples of this are school nursing, health visiting, occupational therapy, and palliative care. More information on Local Health Services can be found in Health and Wellbeing.

Individual Health Care Plans

Children with more complex physical health and medical needs should have an Individual Health Care Plan in place. This plan will be developed in partnership between yourself (as a parent/carer), the school, the school nurse and other relevant health professionals.

  • This plan describes your child’s health and medical needs in school
  • It will cover the support required to meet those needs during the school day
  • It will describe the procedures that need to be put in place in case of a medical emergency
  • It will describe how any prescribed medication will be given during the school day