Information on Birmingham Placements

All GFE Colleges, Sixth Forms and Special post-16 settings have their prospectus or booklet that explains what subjects or courses they offer, the facilities they have and what they aim to provide for their students. You will need to contact these providers directly to request a copy. However, many educational establishments will have a copy of the prospectus on their website.

How Do Qualifications Compare?

The table below shows some examples of how different qualifications compare to each other. Depending on what subjects and levels you’ve studied, students may be able to move between different types of qualifications. For example: moving from a general education course at Level 2, to a Diploma at Level 3.

Entry Level 1, 2, and 3

Level 1

Level 2

Level 2 (Higher)

Level 3-8

General Education Courses

Foundation Level Study Programme

GCSE Grade 1-3

GCSE Grade 4-9

A Level, AS Level, A2 Level

International Baccalaureate

Degree, Masters Degree, PHD

Vocational Education Courses

Awards, Certificates, and Diplomas at Level 1

Awards, Certificates, and Diplomas at Level 2

Awards. Certificates and Diplomas at Level 3

HNC, HNDP Professional Diploma Foundation Degree


Pre-apprenticeship programme/traineeships or internships


NVQ Level 2 plus technical certificates such as BTEC Level 2

Advanced Level

NVQ Level 3 plus technical certificate such as BTEC Level 3

Higher Apprenticeship



Foundation Degree, HNC, or HND

Supported Internships/ Foundation Programmes

Awards, Certificates, or Diplomas at Entry Level

1,2, or 3 skills for live

Functional Skills

Awards, Certificates, and Diplomas at Level 1

Essential Skills

Functional Skills

This Study Programme is to help people who haven’t yet reached Level 2, and to prepare your child to progress on to a Level 2 course, a job with training or an Apprenticeship

Entry Level 1, 2, and 3

General Education Courses

Vocational Education Courses


Supported Internships and Foundation Programmes

Level 1

Foundation Level Study Programme

Pre-apprenticeship Programme, Traineeship, and Internships

Awards, Certificates, or Diplomas at Entry Level

1, 2, or 3 skill for live

Functional Skills

Level 2

GCSE Grade 1-3

Awards, Certificates, and Diplomas at Level 1

Pre-apprenticeship Programme, Traineeship, and Internships

Awards, Certificates, and Diplomas at Level 1

Essential Skills

Functional Skills

Level 2 (higher)

GCSE Grade 4-9

Awards, Certificates, and Diplomas at Level 2


NVQ Level 2 plus Technical Certificates such as BTEC Level 2

This study programme is to help people who haven’t yet reached Level 2 and to prepare your child to progress on to a Level 2 course, a job with training or an Apprenticeship

Level 3-8

A Level, AS Level, A2 Level

International Baccalaureate

Awards. Certificates and Diplomas at Level 3

Advanced Level

NVQ Level 3 plus technical certificate such as BTEC Level 3

Degree, Masters Degree, PHD

HNC, HNDP Professional Diploma Foundation Degree

Higher Apprenticeship 2


Foundation Degree, HNC or HND

Open Days

It is important that you attend open days so students and parents or carers can talk to tutors and explore choices before making their decision. The Birmingham Careers Service has more information on college and sixth-form open days. You can also head directly to college websites and social media pages.

There is also a list of SEND colleges available.

If the details for the school you are interested in are not shown on the MyEd website please visit the school, college, or training provider’s website for details.

How are Places Allocated?

Post-16 places are allocated per the Children and Family Act 2014. This requires that a decision is made after taking into account the student’s SEND, parental preference and the views of the placements requested.

The city council is required to comply with a student’s preference for a local college (GFE), sixth form and/or 16-19 Academy unless:

  • The placement is unsuitable to the student’s age, ability, aptitude or SEN
  • The placement would be incompatible with the efficient education of the other young people with whom the student would be educated
  • With the efficient use of resources

The city council is required to consult the placement before naming it in Section I of the EHCP.

How the City Council Allocates Places if There Are More Applications Than Places Available

In cases where there are more applications for places than a Specialist Placement can accommodate, places will be allocated on the basis that:

  • The placement can meet the student’s SEND and priority is given to a student in care where the placement is the most appropriate placement for their SEND
  • Young people for whom this particular placement is the only placement that can meet their specific SEND
  • If there are still places available they will be allocated to young people whose SEND can only be met in this type of provision and it is the nearest placement to their home address
  • Any further places will be allocated to young people whose needs can appropriately be met at this type of provision, with priority given to those who live closest

Notifying of an Allocated Placement

The city council will issue a final or amended EHCP by 31 March of the current academic transfer year, naming the post-16 placement for September.

Please speak with your Case Officer in the first instance who can help with resolving any issues. This information is found in the letter that was sent with the final amended EHCP.

Should you need additional support please see the following information on special educational needs and disability information, advice and support services.