Birmingham offers tools for supporting schools in the identification and tracking of pupils working below age-related expectations of the National Curriculum in English and Maths, using the Language & Literacy Toolkit and Maths Toolkit. The Toolkits support schools to implement the SEND Code of Practice (2015) graduated approach for children and young people with cognition and learning needs. They support schools to identify gaps in learning to plan provision.
The Toolkits support schools to assess and report on pupils attainment and progress and include the Pre-Key Stage Standards.
Although the elements of the toolkit can be downloaded separately, schools purchasing them as a combined package save 10%.
The Language and Literacy Toolkit
The Language and Literacy Toolkit focuses on attainment in speaking and listening, reading and writing. It is a tool that supports schools in identifying specific levels of need and ability for pupils with their literacy skills (including speaking and listening). The resource breaks down areas of reading, writing, speaking and listening into discrete skills on a continuum that enables schools to set appropriate and aspirational targets and to track progress, as well as supporting teachers with a range of teaching and learning ideas to develop skills alongside quality first teaching in the classroom.
The Maths Toolkit
The Maths Toolkit focuses on the identification of barriers to learning in Maths. The Maths Toolkit is split into the Core frameworks and Supplementary Frameworks. The Core focuses on the key areas of Number and Place Value, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division. In the same way as the Language and Literacy continuum, the Maths Framework supports schools to identify gaps in knowledge, next steps and provides a range of teaching and learning ideas to support teachers to develop these skills alongside quality first teaching in the classroom.