The Toolkit Progress Tracker with training
The Toolkit Progress Tracker is an online tool, using the Birmingham SEN Toolkits, that enables schools to:
- Track and analyse individuals, groups, class and whole school toolkit data to demonstrate and report progress for those with Cognition and Learning needs
- Produce documents at the click of a button to report to Parents/Carers, Staff, SMT, Governors and Ofsted
Who is it for?
This course is for those with strategic responsibility for SEND: SENCos, Inclusion leads.
Schools must have access to the Birmingham SEN Toolkits to access the Toolkit Progress Tracker.
TPT Features
- Automatic generation of secure band judgements, provision guidance, next steps and easily accessible colour coded progress information for secure bandings as well as individual threads
- Access to the Teaching and Learning ideas to inform provision
Course Outcomes
Participants will learn how to:
- Input data, pupil information, groups and additional notes quickly and efficiently
- Use the tool to prepare documents to report individual/group/class and whole school progress data to inform target setting and provision
- Manage user accounts within the school to enable staff involvement
- Upload pupil information from their school admin system
- Access their own school TPT site, and will be provided with secure access details
Thursday 12th June 2025
1.30pm– 3:30pm
This course will be run via Microsoft Teams/Remote training so you will need access to a laptop.
Cost £517 includes:
- First year whole school licence (£385) Subsequent years will incur a licence fee to include upgrades and technical support
- Half day training session and ongoing support (£132)
- Literacy and Maths Module
(Additional delegate(s) for training from a purchasing school: £100 per person)