As we go through the process of re-commissioning short breaks in Birmingham, there will be several opportunities for parents and carers to get involved in different ways and help us co-produce the new services. The following table outlines what those opportunities will be, and we will seek to engage with parents and carers via the Parent Carer Form; our co-production partner organisation.

Some of these dates are indicative and we will keep this page updated as and when relevant information about how to get involved is available.

Specification Development 1
Start: 15/07/2024 End: 15/07/2024
In person event, 10:30am-12:30pm

Venue: Brays School

Use feedback from the survey, alongside lived experience of participants, to develop a draft specification for the new short breaks local offer.

PLEASE NOTE: this event is now complete

Specification Development 2
Start: 16/07/2024 End: 16/07/2024
Online event, 18:00pm-20:00pm

Use feedback from the survey, alongside lived experience of participants, to develop a draft specification for the new short breaks local offer.

PLEASE NOTE: this event is now complete

Specification Development 3
Start: 17/07/2024 End: 17/07/2024
In person event, 10:30am-12:30pm

Venue: Brays School

Use feedback from the survey, alongside lived experience of participants, to develop a draft specification for the new short breaks local offer.

PLEASE NOTE: this event is now complete

Specification Development 4
Start: 18/07/2024 End: 18/07/2024
Online event, 18:00pm-20:00pm

Use feedback from the survey, alongside lived experience of participants, to develop a draft specification for the new short breaks local offer. Booking information to follow.

PLEASE NOTE: this event is now complete

Refine Specification
Start: 22/07/2024 End: 27/07/2024
Near-final development of specification by the partners including the Parent Carer Forum, based on previous engagement and feedback.
Lead Member Consultation
Start: 15/07/2024 End: 26/07/2024
Joint update to Lead Member to seek ratification of proposed procurement plan.
Draft Cabinet Paper
Start: 01/07/2024 End: 27/07/2024
Parent/Carer contribution to the Cabinet paper that will seek approval for the proposed tender.
PPAR CM Briefing Paper
Start: 02/09/2024 End: 02/09/2024
Finalise cabinet paper
Service Spec’ Sign-off
Start: 28/10/2024 End: 01/11/2024
Jointly finalise service specification for inclusion in tender pack.
Establish Evaluation Panel
Start: 12/11/2024 End: 15/11/2024
Agree tender evaluation panel members. Joint representation across the partnership.
Evaluation Briefing Session – Training
Start: 19/11/2024 End: 19/11/2024
Tender evaluation training for panel members.
Evaluation/Moderation of Responses
Start: 06/01/2025 End: 17/01/2025
Panel evaluation of tender responses.
Draft Award Report
Start: 20/01/2025 End: 22/01/2025
Jointly produced award report.
Provider Survey
Start: 04/11/2024 End: 20/12/2024
Agree and disseminate provider survey questions to identify comprehensive range of community short break opportunities.
Draft Statement
Start: 06/01/2024 End: 17/01/2025
Develop draft short breaks statement based on procurement exercise and provider survey.
Start: 20/01/2025 End: 07/02/2025
Short break statement consultation.
Statement Sign-off
Start: 31/03/2025 End: 31/03/2025
Jointly sign-off short breaks statement.
Short Breaks Monitoring
Start: 17/02/2025 End: 31/07/2025
Design monitoring methods and implementation plan for short breaks development post contract award.
Title Start End Description
Specification Development 1 15/07/2024 15/07/2024

In person event, 10:30am-12:30pm

Venue: Brays School

Use feedback from the survey, alongside lived experience of participants, to develop a draft specification for the new short breaks local offer.

PLEASE NOTE: this event is now complete

Specification Development 2 16/07/2024 16/07/2024 Online event, 18:00pm-20:00pm

Use feedback from the survey, alongside lived experience of participants, to develop a draft specification for the new short breaks local offer.

PLEASE NOTE: this event is now complete

Specification Development 3 17/07/2024 17/072024

In-person event, 10:30am-12:30pm

Venue: Wilson Stuart School

Use feedback from the survey, alongside lived experience of participants, to develop a draft specification for the new short breaks local offer.

PLEASE NOTE: this event is now complete

Specification Development 4 18/07/2024 18/07/2024 Online event, 18:00pm-20:00pm

Use feedback from the survey, alongside lived experience of participants, to develop a draft specification for the new short breaks local offer. Booking information to follow.

PLEASE NOTE: this event is now complete

Refine Specification 22/07/2024 26/07/2024 Near-final development of specification by the partners including the Parent Carer Forum, based on previous engagement and feedback.
Lead Member Consultation 15/07/2024 26/07/2024 Joint update to Lead Member to seek ratification of proposed procurement plan.
Draft Cabinet Paper 01/07/2024 26/07/2024 Parent and carer contribution to the cabinet paper that will seek approval for the proposed tender.
PPAR CM Briefing Paper 02/09/2024 02/09/2024 Finalise cabinet paper.
Service Spec’ Sign-off 28/10/2024 01/11/2024 Jointly finalise service specification for inclusion in tender pack.
Establish Evaluation Panel 12/11/2024 15/11/2024 Agree tender evaluation panel members. Joint representation across the partnership.
Evaluation Briefing Session – Training 19/11/2024 19/11/2024 Tender evaluation training for panel members.
Evaluation/Moderation of Responses 06/01/2025 17/01/2025 Panel evaluation of tender responses.
Draft Award Report 20/01/2025 22/01/2025 Jointly produced award report.
Provider Survey 04/11/2024 20/12/2024 Agree and disseminate provider survey questions to identify comprehensive range of community short break opportunities.
Draft Statement 06/01/2025 17/01/2025 Develop draft short breaks statement based on procurement exercise and provider survey.
Consultation 20/01/2025 07/02/2025 Short break statement consultation.
Statement Sign-off 31/03/2025 31/03/2025 Jointly sign-off short breaks statement.
Short Breaks Monitoring 17/02/2025 31/07/2025 Design monitoring methods and implementation plan for short breaks development post contract award.