In order to refer a child or young person to VST, one of the following must apply:
- Your child or young person has a vision impairment diagnosed by an Ophthalmologist which cannot be corrected through the wearing of glasses or contact lenses
- Your child or young person is displaying visual difficulties with accessing their learning and are under assessment by an Ophthalmologist and awaiting a diagnosis
Referrals can be made to the Vision Support Team by Ophthalmologists and Orthoptists, other medical professionals, schools, pre-school settings, colleges, other professionals and families.
To refer to the Vision Support Team you will need to:
- Complete the Referral to the Vision Support Team
- Gain written parental/carer consent Parental Consent- Vision Support Team
- Gain a copy of a medical letter that states the ophthalmic diagnosis or demonstrates that the child or young person is being investigated by a hospital Ophthalmology department for a vision impairment. (This might not be from an Ophthalmologist, but could be a medical letter written by another medical professional, such as a paediatrician)
- Please send the email to
Please be aware that in order for VST to make a prompt response to any referrals, it is essential that we have the following information correct:
- Spelling of the child’s full name
- Date of birth
- Address
- Parental phone number
- Name and phone number of the setting/school