
The Vision Support Team fully understand the challenges which a change in setting can bring to a pupil with a vision impairment. The Team work with children and young people, their family and settings as they move through each phase of their education to facilitate a smooth, positive transition. Vision Support Team provide a range of specialist support including:

  • Supporting families to make informed choices about appropriate educational provision for their child. Information to collect during a school visit.
  • Providing a range of information to professionals in the new educational setting, so that they are fully informed about the pupil’s individual needs and views.
  • Leading and attending transition meetings with the pupil, family, current staff and staff from the new setting as well as their new Qualified Teacher of Vision Impairment (QTVI) where applicable, to ensure continuity and a successful individualised transition for the pupil.
  • Organising transition days and events so that pupils can meet other pupils with a vision impairment, discuss strategies for a smooth transition into the next phase of school life and help to make links for pupils who will attend a new setting together.
  • Collecting pupil and parent views via questionnaires after transition to new settings. Evaluating and using this information to inform future transition events as well as evaluate the support which we offer.

Below is the link to Post 16 Transition information:

Preparation for Adulthood

The Preparation for Adulthood Guidance. VST is committed to ensuring that pupils with a vision loss are prepared for adulthood. VST are developing policies to ensure that the work carried out with visited pupils covers the 8 Gatsby benchmarks.

  1. A stable careers programme
  2. Learning from career and labour market information
  3. Addressing the needs of each pupil
  4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
  5. Encounters with employers and employees
  6. Experiences of workplaces
  7. Encounters with further and higher education
  8. Personal guidance

More information on how VST support with preparing for adulthood can be found at Transitions and Preparing for Adulthood – Local Offer Birmingham